Semalam hari yang 'seghonok'. Sangat seghonok sampai beronok-ronok.Dah lama berhajat nak pergi tempat ni. Tercapai jugak at last..Alhamdulillah, precious thanks to Allah sebab mempermudahkan perjalanan kami untuk pergi tempat ni. And also thanks to Incik Apis and Cik Molly and also her beloved sis Cik Yaniey kerana sudi menemankan saya pergi! I found some p.e.a.c.e here ♥
Can't believe that I was here yesterday :') *touching*
Cik Molly and some gift for them :)
Pertama kali menjejakkan kaki ke Rumah Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim, rasa 'eksaited' sangat2. Don't know what to say because this is what I ever wanted to do. Going there, bought some sweet in cute goodies bag,have a chit chat with them and also playing with them. Seriously, it was fun! heee..
Everyone is 'eksaited'. Looking at their faces smiling while receiving those goodies bag make me feel happy!
See, I've told ya..'seghonok' sangat sampai beronok-ronok :)
Hello, my name is Mayau. I'm 5years old
Curik gambaq sat
Mayau pun reti ambik wudhu tau :)
Having some chat with their penyelia.
Walaupun sekejap je dapat luangkan masa bersama adik-adik ni, tu pun dah cukup bermakna buat saya. Rasa tenang sangat kat sini.Nanti nak pergi lagi la..I'm addicted now.haha
Ouh, yang ni 'faveret' shayeee..this two lil girl ramah sangat..n cute!
Hello, nama shayeee Syafiqah..
nama shayeee pulak_ _ _ _ _?
Sekadar renungan:
“Ada seorang laki-laki yang datang kepada nabi Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam mengeluhkan kekerasan hatinya. Nabipun bertanya : sukakah kamu, jika hatimu menjadi lunak dan kebutuhanmu terpenuhi ? Kasihilah anak yatim, usaplah mukanya, dan berilah makan dari makananmu, niscaya hatimu menjadi lunak dan kebutuhanmu akan terpenuhi.” [HR Thobroni, Targhib, Al Albaniy : 254]
Ok bye.
Happy reading.
Tq dee2 bab sudi follow blog kmk
(^O^,)..hehe, lama x jumpa ktk.. bes juak aktiviti ktk 2 molly..ktk 2 buat apa kt cya?
Waalaikumsalam tirah...hehe..lamak x jumpa ktk juak cta nektok? mek duak moly saja jak g sia...hihi..:)
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